“It's mind over matter,” said the sailor to his minion. “I don't mind and you don't matter.” The New York Times reported a few weeks back, in an article titled, “In the Classroom, a New Focus on Quieting the Mind,” that certain schools are teaching Buddhist mind-control techniques, stripped of religious language but Buddhist nonetheless, to grammar school and high school children. Why is there no uproar about the separation of church and state here? It's mind over matter, too, I suppose.
It seems strange to me that it is impolitic and unlawful to teach Intelligent Design, even though everyone with an I.Q. over 50 knows that there is an Intelligence behind the design. “It smacks of religious teaching,” the contrarians say. What they really mean is it smacks of Christianity.
Things like this and the forcing of elementary school children in California to make believe they are Muslims show the outright hypocrisy of the ACLU, our judicial system, and media moguls. It's a wonder the judge in the California Muslim case didn't order the children to enact beheadings of infidels or practice suicide bombings.
Well, at least they are not doing something honorable, like reading the Ten Commandments.
Hi Bro,
It's not so strange that this is going on in public schools. That's what their supposed to do. Be public. That's why there are private schools.
Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that students should be exposed to anything and everything but this is America and we do have alternatives. Woe unto those who go down to Egypt for help! Let the Church arise!
Ed, I think you missed my point. Why are public schools supposed to teach Buddhist thought while not being allowed to teach Christian thought? Isn't what's good for the goose also good for the gander?
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