Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Am I Really an Idiot?

A "female torpedoman warrior" didn't like my last post, which originally appeared on Smartpunters.com last May. Well, I didn't expect everyone to like it, especially female torpedomen warriors.I will post the majority of her comments, eliminating those portions that are not suitable for ladies and children. She starts off with:

I came across your May 23, 2007 posting while searching for information about the first ever "women torpedoman" aka "skirts". I also read another posting concerning women and torpedoes - I am sure you're familiar with the HSN term? "Men... women are like torpedoes, treat them with loving care and they will run hot, straight and ...." - I can almost picture you laughing as you read this and finishing the quote - but you know, I am not laughing. I am really rather sad about the 2 top search engine results for keywords "torpedoman - women" would produce such degrading material - as if your view or the views of other male Torpedomen really matter. Enough said in that respect.

First, for those not familiar with "HSN," the ellipsis refers to "normal." It is what every tube captain wants to report when a torpedo is fired.

But to answer our female torpedoman respondent: I think you have thin skin and a chip on your shoulder. Do you really think that your opinion is superior to mine? Do you really believe that centuries — no, millennia — of thinking the military is properly a male bastion should be overturned by a less-than-forty year change of thinking? Do you really consider your opinion to be wiser than the millions upon millions of men (and their women) who thought otherwise in ages past?

What I wrote is not degrading. In fact, it is you who have degraded yourself. No self-respecting woman would utilize the crude reference to male genitalia that I excised from your post.

Your statement that women are not warriors is just your own true admission of ignorance. Ask your mother if she was a warrior when she gave birth to you, ask your grandmother if she was a warrior as she gave birth to your father, - I triple dog dare you to do that and post the results of your questions on your blog. I am calling you out on that one - [removed by editor].

Who is ignorant here? Giving birth makes you a warrior? Come on, let's be real. Childbirth may exact effort and pain that no warrior has ever felt, and I shall not diminish what women go through to bring us into the world. That, however, does not make them a warrior. My mother and both my grandmothers have gone to the great beyond and are presently unavailable for interrogation. However, I knew them well enough to know they would take umbrage with being called a warrior. They were ladies, not warriors. Warriors are trained to kill, not to give life.

I am a torpedoman, a woman, a warrior, a daughter of a 2 time Vietnam Veteran with 2 Purple Hearts, and I earned awards for my service as well - not to compare "racks" -

What does being the daughter of a Viet Nam vet have to do with anything?

but I earned my career every painstaking way from being taped to a chair and having sponges filled with piss water thrown at me - to humping 100 lb lead weights from ship to sub - to carrying a weapon and being a sharpshooter with that weapon - to driving a ship YES A SHIP to walking up 7 decks in 30 minutes with a weapon pack and doing so for 4 long painstaking hours - to being in cramped little spaces inside of a submarine and performing PMS on specialty equipment that was simply too difficult for the knuckle dragging, size 2 hat wearing, ignorant Torpedomen that didn't know the difference between EXCELLENCE in the Navy and are not aware of the CORE VALUES...

That you should have been so ill-treated is inexcusable and should never have happened. I have seen worse than that inflicted on male sailors.

I see, however, that you are not even convinced in your own mind that your being a torpedoman has validity. Your use of ad hominem attacks proves you have no valid argument. Ad hominem means "against the man." When you have no logical argument, attack the man (or the woman). If good reasoning can't defeat him, insults might. Well, I confess to being a size 2 hat-wearing torpedoman, but I am far from ignorant.

I suggest you - revisit those memories, do you remember the CORE VALUES you said you would uphold?

Core Values? We didn't have them when I was in. Our core values were: work hard, fight hard, party hard.

I love free speech and the time I served and the sacrifices I made to have the right to free speech..... I just hate it when idiots as yourself use that right in an attempt to cloud the sacrifice made.... mine... or yours....

I'd almost believe you, except if you really loved free speech you wouldn't have had such a hissy over mine. I don't consider my Naval service to have been a sacrifice. It was a privilege. I enjoyed it, for the most part. I don't believe I denigrated your perceived sacrifices. I said nothing to demean you (unless you really believe that my thinking women should not be torpedomen is demeaning).

Here again, you resort to an ad hominem attack. Idiots have a mentality of less than a three-year old. This supposed idiot was, at one time, the engineer responsible for designing all physical and radiological entry controls, accesses, and security control points for refueling naval nuclear reactors and was the cognizant engineer responsible for writing and maintaining one section of the nuclear power manual. Stupid? — possibly. Ignorant? — never. Idiot? — not even close.

And you don't even know the whole story....

I wasn't aware there was a story.

Shame on you.

Back to you, sweet pea!

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