Friday, September 21, 2007

How Did I Get on Their Mailing List?

I am a senior citizen — whatever that means. I am a sexagenarian, at any rate. So how is it that I get advertisements and sample magazines from “Highlights for Children"? Is there someone out there that filled my name in on one of those post cards that you send in for a free something-or-other? Is this some sort of a joke?

I have often thought about filling out those free offers for people that I don’t like or that don’t like me, for people that just irritate me, or for those that need a little more to do in their lives. If I think like that, what's to keep others from thinking the same way – and acting on their impulses.

I would like to be a little mouse and watch the reaction of some guy with one foot on a banana peel and the other in a grave when he gets all that literature from the Army recruiting office. Even more fun would be watching the little spindly old lady who gets a free sample of a muscle-building magazine.

As often as I have thought along those lines and as much as I would like to carry out those designs, I have never done such a thing. The fun is in thinking about it. Now, if I knew I’d be there when all that junk mail came ... well, that would be a different story, I suppose.

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