Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Ponderfications? What kind of word is that? Do you like it? I hope you do. I made it up. This blog will be devoted to my ponderings and pontifications. Often, my ponderings lead to pontifications.

I am, as you shall discover, very opinionated. I suppose that is why I never made it as a politician. I have no difficulty in expressing my opinion. Sometimes those expressions are not popular. So what. I am not in a popularity contest. Now, that does not mean I do not appreciate contrary opinions. It does not mean I cannot or will not change my mind. I think it is better, though, to be of the wrong opinion than to be wishy-washy.

How one expresses one's opinions is often more important than the opinion itself. It is easy to run rough-shod over the feeling's of others. Truth hurts. Sometimes the hurt is unnecessary and the delivery counter-productive.

I hope my rantings in this blog, when they do not garner your approval, may at least be polite and courteous, coated with honey, and solicitous of your good grace.

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